Also (acknowledging I'm a terrible photographer...stupid flash)...the purple/yellow is for Libby. This, my friend, is why I think BOTH purple and yellow would look great with your dream table.
May you also thaw just a little bit.
"You find you are made up of bits and pieces of all who have ever touched your life and you are more because of them and would be less if they had not touched you..."
Nice Blog♥
Awww, your husband is so sweet! I love the daffodils! So bright and springy! :)
ahhhhh .. I see your point, my dear. :)
I love the daffodils.
The flowers are so very Spring-like! I loved the weather yesterday, I figure if we get at least one of those days every week until the end of March, I'll still be sane by Spring!
these flowers will always remind me of our dear cousin Katie. They are one of her favorites because of their cheery yellow. When we were single, I would always get her a small bunch in the spring. They do have such cheerful faces! :)
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