All you have to do is tell me that you've done your monthly self-exam and I'll enter you in the drawing for a bag of Amy's Blend coffee or tea (and if you drink neither, there are some cool water bottles available). And if you're a man, and you read my blog, then tell me you've reminded your wife, or your mom, or another important woman in your life to do hers. Actually, it's a good idea for you to do it, too! I saw this story in the news this week. Breast cancer can affect anyone.
Drawing will be held next Friday, October 30 at noon.
*Note: I am aware that if my coffee hadn't dripped all over, this photo would have been a lot better. It was really full. And it was raining.
I have done my exam! Did you know doctor's now recommend doing this solely on one's back? I heard that on MSN the other day - something to pass along, too!
Oh, LYING on your back! I was googling all over the place trying to figure out how you'd feel the lumps on your BACK?! Blame it on the gloomy weather.
PS Good for you, sister!
Done. Plus, had my annual exam this month, so that's a double dose of checking. :)
Heh! Yes. I could have been more clear, huh? ;)
Check. I like the coffee spillage.
I will try. I wonder if I've ever done one. Maybe once after my coworker was diagnosed.
The back thing confuzzled me too, LOL. I was thinking they'd have to be some mighty large lumps!
Ummm. Does it count that the Dr. did one at the beginning of my pregnancy? I know. I should get on that. Especially since I have a sweet friend here who is a breast cancer survivor. Okay, I'll do it tonight. I promise.
All right. I did it. I was reminded again why I don't do it regularly. Because I don't do it regularly, so when I do, I don't know what a bad lump would feel like (and we are a lumpy family, LOL), so then I start to go towards panic mode that I'm dying and don't know it. Ok .. too much information, for sure. But I am done. Yay. Will slink away now.
Technically, it doesn't matter how you do it. Just do it in the same position every time and at the same time every month. Everyone has lumpy breasts, so you just need to get familiar with the typical lumpiness, and then you want to be looking for something abnormal and "fixed" or non-moving. In the doctor's office, you are lying on your back with the arm behind your head... but in the shower is fine. However you do it is fine. Just do it. If you do them regularly, you are more likely to pick something abnormal up before your doctor will.
I did it this month.
I did mine! :o)
I've always had fibrous breasts, too, so my GYN always told me that it's really important to become intimately aware of where the lumps. Too much information, I'm sure, but imporant information!
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