Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's a bit fishy.

The only thing this kid loves to do is fish. And hunt. Well, he's not sure about that since he's never been hunting. He is, however, very interested in hunting. He's taking Firearm Safety in August and his uncle Tommy told him he'd take him out in his tree stand this fall. I wonder if he's patient enough to hunt. Sit and do nothing...might just work!

Anyway, Grandpa P took him fishing on Lake Minnetonka last week. They caught a ton of fish. I think they cleaned 15 fish. They kept throwing them back until Grandpa said, "I guess we should keep some of these." As soon as they got home, Cole called me. Without so much as a greeting he says, "Leanne! I got some fish for you to fry!" I always say, go ahead and hunt and fish, but we'll eat it. I don't believe in killing for sport (he does not share this sentiment exactly).

So Saturday night, fry it up we did. YUM. Grandpa helped Cole filet them and Cory cut the bones out. Almost no bones at all. It was scrumptious. I'm looking forward to the next batch already!

The only problem: he doesn't like to touch the fish. Seriously. I definitely have a City Kid Fisherman. Grandpa told him if he didn't hold the fish for this picture, he was taking him right home. So he donned his City Kid glove and proudly held up his catch. Can't say I blame him, they are pretty stinky!

Stink or no stink, though, they taste amazing!


MindiJo said...

Way to go, Cole! That's awesome. Boys need a little outdoorsyness (is that a word?) in them.

Sherry said...

You are an amazing story teller. You can make us want to read anything! You're next walk in life should be to write a book.
