Sheesh. Can't a girl take a Blogcation? Seriously, I have a lot on my mind. I've just had a hard time putting it into words. I have several topics in mind, but I'll run with this one:
LOVE.How do we actually 'love' others?
I have been thinking of this a lot. If I am to love my enemy (and I believe I am), how do I do that? First, I have to define my enemy. Who is that? Someone who threatens me physically? Then I guess we have to look at our global enemies, those who might take away our physical freedoms, right? I think that's the easiest way to define the word. Then how do we love them? Pray for them? Send good thoughts? Physically MOVE OUR BODIES INTO ACTION and help them?
Julie just read a book called Three Cups of Tea, maybe she can share some of that here.
I think that's too easy, though, too literal. Who else do my enemies include? People who have hurt me? Sure. People who still hurt me? Yep. And when I dig deep into that well, there is where I see where I'm lacking in love. Without getting into politics again*, I will say that others' viewpoints have hurt me. And I know that's wrong. And unjust. But sometimes people, through their opinions alone, have caused me pain.
So...what have I been working on? Loving them for our differences. I just re-read Embraced by the Light (changed my life years ago and was as powerful this time), and I realize now that it doesn't really matter if we have differences. We're all on different spiritual journeys and they're supposed to be different. We're supposed to see things differently.
So sometimes, when I see a hateful status update, or a venomous blog entry, I need to learn to leave it alone. To pray for peace and happiness for that person or entity and move along. And don't feel those negative feelings towards them. It's counterproductive and, frankly, a waste of precious time. I don't think loving them means trying to convince them that I am right. I don't even think it means calling them out on their negativity (although I did that once or twice). I think it means loving them for
exactly who they are. Even if I don't agree with it.
Mindi and I have mastered this. We've had lots of practice. Politically, we are classic Right and Left. We have a very hard time finding middle ground. But it's humbling how our relationship has changed, and grown, because of our love for each other. And our love for humanity, actually.
Who else, then, is our enemy? Anyone who challenges our emotional comfort? Anyone who takes more than they give? Anyone who makes poor decisions and makes others suffer for them? Anyone who makes us angry? Anyone whose lifestyle we do not condone?
And, most importantly, how do we love them?
*From now on, I'm going to try to keep my political conversations to facebook. Because it's as exciting (right, ladies?!) and there's no risk of anonymous posters. If you want to be my friend there, find me. I accept everyone.