Wednesday, September 1, 2010


There are hundred clichés for this milestone:

They grow so quickly.
You blink and they're grown up.
The years pass so quickly.

And they're cliché for a reason:  They're TRUE.  And mothers everywhere agree.

As we near the start of Matty's school career, I am blessed with so many other moms from my online forum of other moms with kids his age. And we're all going through this together.  And all of us are feeling emotional about it.  It's surprised me some initially, actually, that I wasn't the only one feeling so sad. 

I want to keep my Matthew little.  Desperately.  He's a curious, thoughtful child.  I have no doubt he'll grow up to be a wonderful thoughtful man as well, but the need for time to slow down a little physically hurts.  Ask Cory.  He'll attest to my tears.  And it's not his going to school -- that part doesn't make me sad (he is SO ready to use the brain God gave him!).  It's that his time at home with me, these past five years...are over forever.  Thank you to God, the Creator, for giving him to me and allowing me to spend these years with him.  And, my thanks to my gorgeous husband for busting his butt working so hard to support us. I am forever grateful.  So so lucky.

I'll have more photos to share as the week progresses.  Tomorrow night is his open house where he'll meet his teacher and see his classroom.  I'm planning a Momma/Matty day this weekend, and then, next Wednesday is his first day of school.  *sniff* *sniff*  *SOB*

One final one (courtesy of my wise mother):  The days are long, but the years are short.  The truest of them all.


MindiJo said...

Oh, that is a hard transition time. But then your life will shift into this new phase and you will learn to embrace it. And it won't be so hard.

Love the quote from your mom!

Julie said...

I'd love to post more, but I'm pretty much bawling over here. We have open house tonight for Ethie. I'll just hang on to these thoughts of yours:

"Thank you to God, the Creator, for giving him to me and allowing me to spend these years with him. And, my thanks to my gorgeous husband for busting his butt working so hard to support us. I am forever grateful. So so lucky."

Amen. And hugs to you.

Elizabeth Halt said...

Oh, sniff. Sending {hugs} to you. And to Julie. *sniff*

ethiopifinn said...

Oh, Momma. You are so sweet.


Diane Lindquist said...

I will be calling you for support in one *short* year!!! The transitions are always the hardest - once you hit your new rhythm I'll bet you will find special times with Matty that weren't possible before .... it's all new and it's all a gift. Love you!