Thursday, July 16, 2009

My new Canon XSi...

Here it is. In all of its boxed glory! I'm not even opening it until we get to our vacation destination, lest it take up all my packing/grocery-shopping/cleaning time! I have a feeling I won't be able to put it down once it's in my eager hands! When I get back, though, I'm going to have some glorious photos to share. I promise. Shannon challenged me to take the same picture with this one and my old one because she's curious what all the hype is about. Prepare to be amazed, Shan!


Tanya said...

I'll let you be in charge of vacation pics... just send them to me when we get back! :-)

Lorz said...

Thanks to you, I've been browsing the internet for a new camera...grrr, Davin is not going to be happy with you, lady! But you know how Dad keeps all his change in a jar? Well, we do also- even quarters, and we have A TON. We counted it about a year ago and even then there was almost enough for a good camera...Davin wouldn't even notice, now that I think about it... :D

MindiJo said...

Have fun with it! It'll be cool to see the difference between the two cameras.